
Writing has always been a passion of mine. So has reading. I can’t even begin to give you an estimate of the number of books I have read in my life. I find that reading and writing books and stories are both inspirational and spiritual. When you read a book, you travel to places that can only live in the imagination. You can be the hero or the villain. You see life though someone else’s eyes. It’s not just magical, it’s powerful too.

I have only just begun to dive into and embrace my passion for writing. It’s a new journey in my life that I hope you will go on with me.

Click any of these three titles to jump to that section.

Life in the Stars (a sci fi series)

Series introduction:

It’s the year 2600. We don’t live on Earth anymore. That planet died. We were forced to find another planet to live on. We did. It’s nearly identical to Earth. It’s called Earth’s Shadow. It had been thought that humanity, as well as the flora and fauna we were able to save, would be able to live here on this planet safely.

Sadly, that cannot be. We have only been here a few hundred years, but this planet is showing us the early warning signs that it is dying, just as Earth did. This time we are listening.

On Earth, had we paid attention to the science instead of ignoring it until it was too late to reverse, the planet could have been saved. Now we are listening to the signs we see. We have time to search multiple planets and select the best one for our civilization as we know it, to move to.

We will have time for this search because now we will take measures to slow this planet’s death, instead of speeding towards it.

My name is Sarah. Myself and three other team members have been tasked with exploring the potential planets we might be able to survive on. If we can find a new planet, or even several, that humans can live on, then we will be remembered as heroes and saviors. If we can’t find a viable planet to move to, then it’s only a matter of time before life as we know it, comes to an end.

Book 1: Life in the Stars: Planet Abaca

The first planet we will explore is Planet Abaca. It’s not a massive planet but it has features we would need. There is a mountain range that doesn’t want to let us leave. A volcano that’s not really a volcano, but what is it? There is a body of water the size of a sea that has two types of water and marine life. And a mysterious tree that could be sentient. How does this planet affect the team? Will this be our new home? Only the data from our expedition will tell us.

Available to purchase here as an EPUB. Also available on Amazon as a paperback and kindle book. Available on Apple Books too. Click one of the three buttons below to purchase your preferred book version.

Healing Waters

This is the first book that I wrote. I chose to make it a personal story about the trials and tribulations that the main female character had to face throughout her entire life. Many aspects are difficult and heartbreaking. But she does not let it break her spirt, instead she allows herself to continue to learn and grow. To become her true self.

This is the story of a woman and the challenges that she faced every step of the way in her life. It tells of her victories too. The long battle her father went through with cancer when she was a child. How it affected and changed her. His sad but ultimate death and the toll it took on her mother. Her school years, the friends she made and the conflicts she weathered. The jobs she took to keep a roof over her and her mother’s head. The different types of harassment she was subjected to in so many of those jobs. Most of the harassment was just because she was a woman. As well as the employers she loved, thrived at, and separated from at no fault of her own. The life lessons she learned. The abusive relationship she was in and barely escaped from with her life. Later, the loss of her mother. How she had to make all the hard choices, so she got the best care and had the best chance. Also, how she discovered her true self and was able to find happiness.

The Legacy of Generations

The contents of this book were left to me by my Mother, Grandmother and Nana.

I typed up all the handwritten children’s stories that they wrote, in addition to the recipes that Nana had left me.

This was a very emotional experience for me. Especially typing up all of my mother’s work as she had only passed a little over a year ago and that pain was still fresh. I published this book on what would have been her 85th birthday. It seemed like the best way to honor her as well as her mother and Nana.

These women are no longer physically on Earth, but their memories, spirit, and love will live forever in my heart.

This book is a collection of children’s stories that my mother and grandmother wrote and left to me. They both dreamed of being the author of children’s books. I wanted to make their dreams come true. The recipes are some classic Italian recipes left to me by my Nana. I honor their words, love, laughter, legacy, memories and recipes here.